Nick TaylorGHTC
Nick Taylor is a senior program assistant at GHTC, where he supports GHTS communications and member engagement activities.
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In this regular feature on Breakthroughs, we highlight some of the most interesting reads in global health research from the past week.
The National Institutes of Health has released a fact sheet on the impact of sequestration. The fact sheet states that, due to budget cuts, approximately 700 fewer research project grants will be awarded this year compared to fiscal year 2012.
New statistics show that the vaccine MenAfriVac™—developed through a partnership between the World Health Organization and PATH—has significantly reduced the number of cases of meningitis A in Africa. The most recent meningitis season marks the lowest number of cases in ten years.
Scientists at Virginia Tech and the University of Florida are making progress in developing a new species-specific insecticide that would be lethal only to insects that carry malaria. Though they have seen positive results, the scientists still think it will be four to five years before they are ready to submit the compound for federal approval.
Drugmakers in Japan have agreed to release data on experimental compounds for possible use to create drugs to combat malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases. The pharmaceutical companies are part of a five-year partnership called the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund.